Every conversation is about what is currently happening and what could happen. Everyone has some pain. We have lived a life of stability and abundance. Our needs were catered for. Our freedom was untracked.
Things have changed overnight. Restrictions have been placed on us equal to the Second World War. Self-rationing of food supplies from panic buying.
So how do we get ourselves through these dire times?
It is all in the mind.
What we focus on will grow. The more we ruminate about what could happen the more our thinking becomes foggy.
Try implementing these simple changes that will strengthen your way of thinking.
What am I grateful for?
Write a daily journal about the things you are grateful for.
If this is too hard then here is a list of few things, I am grateful for.
The ability to think.
Food on the table.
Water from the tap
The house I live in.
My health. I am still breathing.
The children I love.
The partner I love.
The family I love.
The friends I love.
The pets I love.
The conversations I have.
The kindness I can give.
The words I can say to lift someone’s spirit.
The empathy I can show.
The ability to listen to others.
The shoulder that can be leant on.
The sun shining.
The open spaces.
The beauty of nature.
The ability to change my world view.
The car I own.
The clothes I have.
The toys I have.
What can I influence?
Most of what is going on around us right now is out of our control. The conversations are 99% about the future problems we have no bearing on. That is a lot of time and energy spent on a subject that provides no solution on our wellbeing.
The mind fears the unknown. It can create all sorts of wild and wacky manifestations of what could happen. We are negative bias, so we work towards the worst case. This sends us into a tail spin with nowhere to go.
The mind responds better with facts and options. The difference between travelling to a destination with a map and without a map. The latter is so much more stressful.
This is where we are right now. Unknown territory. No map.
However, we can create a map and put the mind at ease.
Before you do this exercise, leave emotions at the door. This is an emotion free zone. You must be survival focussed. To help you get focussed write down who and what are the top 5 priorities.
Here are some suggestions:
Children need love, food, water and clothing. They need to feel safe and be reassured you have their back.
Family need love, food water and clothing. Help them to maintain these qualities.
Houses need the bare minimum. Keep the elements at bay. Pay the rent or mortgage.
Food can be sourced by eating fresh fruit and vegetables. This is plentiful as are internet recipes. Alternate meals between meat based and vegetarian.
Water will always be available.
It doesn’t need to be the car. Look at the alternatives - bike, walk. Keep the car but use it sparingly.
Here are some items that you can spend some time thinking about that will change your current position:
Write out the worst-case scenario if you lost your job.
Write out the worst-case scenario if you work from home.
How bad is it?
There will be compromise. But you will survive. We always do.
Now work on:
What changes to your spending could you make right now that would help secure the current situation?
If you were isolated, how could you continue to be productive?
Who needs your help?
What could you offer them?