Sunrise select. Sunset reflect.
Every day is a new beginning. You make the choice of how you will react to life’s curve balls and home runs.
And before you bid the closure of another day, take a few minutes to register the great contributions you made to make a difference to someone else’s life.
You can wake up grumpy and bitter by predicting the possible negative outcomes that will unfold for the day. These thoughts deflate our day before it has even begun.
Or you can use the exact some energy and look forward to the uplifting interactions that are possible. These thoughts elevate our day as it begins.
A positive start is knowing your purpose as it sets the pathway for your long- term meaning. Each day if you can define and fulfill your purpose, then life is so much more rewarding.
One of the Culture purpose activities is simply writing it down and sharing it with colleagues.
“To improve the lives of my students.”
“The smiles from students and staff day in day out”
“Encouraging kids to learn new things.”
It can seem simple, but we forget what we are there for and end up measuring our day on all the distractions and negativity bought on by others.
That is why reflection is so important. For you to feel valued through your actions against your personally defined purpose.
Sunrise - select the positive attitude to achieve your purpose.
Sunset - reflect on your contributions that nurtured your purpose.
Some days don’t go as planned. But if you made progress in your purpose, then it is a good day.
Where have you written your purpose?