In one corner of the room the group were not very chatty. There wasn’t the same amount of engagement as the other groups who were loud and busy writing their opinions to the question. I could sense there was some reluctance to share their opinions. Which is strange as most people like to contribute to the discussion, especially when there is a potential solution coming up. This was the opportunity to have your voice recorded and heard as to the reasons why the culture data was so poor.
In fact, the staff had been asked to discuss the following:
Why do 70% of the staff feel ignored in the school decision processes?
What were the barriers?
What were the underlying problems that exist?
The exercise is designed to allow the staff to contribute to what the unseen problems could be.
I was curious as to the silence of the reluctant group and could not help to notice that their sheet was blank except for the heading “Effective Leadership”.
“Do you think there is an issue with being ignored by the leadership team?” I asked.
“Absolutely” they said in unison.
“OK we have established there is a problem, but you haven’t expressed your thoughts as to why.”
“We don’t feel safe.”
There it was. The basis of a negative culture. People don’t feel safe to give their opinion in fear of repercussion. In fear of reprimand. In fear of being singled out.
“There are no names. Your suggestions are valued. It is your choice to have your voice heard even though it is anonymous.” They considered what I said and completed the domain.
I love Simon Sinek’s “Circle of Safety” analogy in his book “Leaders Eat Last”.
The basis of leadership is to create an environment where all staff are free to voice their opinion for the good of the organisation. To be rewarded and praised for thinking of the possible outcomes from choices available. In essence, to create a space where people want to be, contribute to and feel valued.
An organisation on the pathway to a Positive Culture needs to nurture a Circle of Safety for all staff modelled by all leadership positions.
When we are safe, we belong. When I belong, I contribute.
Does your organisation have a Circle of Safety championed by your leaders?