“The last few weeks have been super busy. We are starting a new program in 2025. Thanks for the call.”
“Sorry I can’t talk now as I am under the pump.”
“How am I? Busy and overwhelmed.”
“We are past the halfway mark and counting down the days.”
These are the comments I get from principals. How is this energy and busyness sustainable?
Everyone is flat out with a “to-do” list being added to rather than subtracted from. The “done” list arrives on the last day of term regardless of the status.
The ACU Institute for Positive Psychology and Education “Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey 2022” reports:
“The occupational health and wellbeing of many Australian school leaders is at a tipping point. The pressures of the last few years were met by school leaders with resolve, dedication, and commitment to the welfare of students and staff; this is to be applauded. The cost for doing so, however, has been paid by those same school leaders and increasingly to their detriment.”
The report outlines many areas that are reflection of the statements I am hearing from principals – sheer quality of work, lack of time to focus on teaching and learning, teacher shortages, mental health for staff and unacceptable behaviours.
A common theme running through the report is SUPPORT - The Fifth Element of Staff Wellbeing.
The principal is the Fifth Element of Staff Wellbeing. It is the principal who puts in place the environment so the staff and students can thrive. And I include deputy principals in this space as well.
But where is the support for the principals when you need it? This is the area that is lacking that I am doing something about.
Over the past year I have been coaching a select few principals who are keen to continue their passion for education while maintaining their sanity. During yesterday's conversation one principal commented, “These chats have been the best PD I have had all year. They help me clarify my thinking to change my actions. I don’t get time to think about my thoughts, led alone articulate them.”
Speaking with a coach/confidant who knows the education space at a time when you need support, is when you can move forward. I am like the sherpa carrying and guiding you up your own Mount Everest.
There is no better time to enlist the services of a coach/confidant who wants your success to reflect on the staff and students.
A 20-minute chat is all it takes; it can make the difference between switch off or turn on. Contact me today to schedule in a convenient time to chat about how I can support you in 2025!
Principals are the Fifth Element for Staff Wellbeing. Who is supporting you?