It is a matter of always being open to learning and listening for the gold from others.
At a recent “Reduce Stress, Restore Balance” workshop the participants were asked to list their strategies for maintaining their “Best Self More Often”
I was intrigued when a young lady said, “I always have something to look forward to.”
She went on to explain that she enjoyed the small joys that give her pleasure and proactively schedules them into her life so she has something to look forward to.
It doesn’t have to be a big holiday or long-term goals; she had short term simple things that are a stop gap between life’s tasks.
A cup of tea at recess.
Collaborating with her colleagues in the afternoon.
Driving the kids to sport on the weekend.
These all put a smile on her dial.
I felt that she celebrated the pleasures in life that can be looked at as magnificent rather than mundane.
Just a simple choice of intentionally turning the mundane into the magnificent.
Relaxing with JOY as a good alternative that makes you smile.
A cup of tea at recess. JOY - The relaxing feeling of stopping.
Collaborating with her colleagues in the afternoon. JOY - Being with people that make her laugh.
Driving the kids to sport on the weekend. JOY - Listening to kids adventures and tuning into their lives.
You most probably have incorporated joyous things in your day, but you can’t see them because you are not acknowledging their “good vibes” potential.
Positive people feel positive emotions.
What do you do now, that can be turned into a “look forward to” activity that puts a smile on your dial and gives you JOY?